Thank you for taking the time to confirm your information for the OLW school directory.
The on-line directory will populate as family information is confirmed. After confirmation is complete, you will be directed to the secure OLW School Shopping Cart.
If you have any questions regarding the directory or school orders, please contact Angela Gambino at angelalopez13@sbcglobal.net.
Family Data Confirmation:
Step 1 - Review your Family Information
Verify the information and make any changes as desired. Note - all information will appear as entered.
Step 2 - Review your Student(s) Information
Students names will appear as entered, nicknames can be used if desired.
Please do not change the grade level, this will be verified by the administrator.
Step 3 - Review your Directory Display Settings
Use this if you would like to exclude information from the directory. If you choose to be excluded, your information will not appear in the directory but you will still receive emails regarding the school store and other announcements.
*This is a private website and only accessible by parents and faculty at Our Lady of the Wayside School.
Step 4 -Sign Up to Volunteer
Sign up for at least three volunteer positions per family.
Step 5 - Store & Data (Info) Forms
Place your orders and pay here.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.